

Mme Desaulniers est maintenant à la retraite! Pour des questions concernant le cours de Sciences et technologie, envoyer un courriel à : Ceci est mon dernier message ... au revoir. Merci beaucoup! Mme Desaulniers has left the building... is now retired! For any questions in regards to the Science and technology course, please send an e-mail to : This is my last post... goodbye. Thank you very much!

Semaine du 29 Janvier-2 Février

TESTS CHAPITRE 3-4 Lundi le 29 Janvier   (Jour 9)   Groupes : 202 English , 204, 203 Mardi le 30 Janvier ( Jour 1) Groupes : 201, 203 English LABORATOIRE EXTRACTION ADN Mardi le 30 Janvier : (Jour 1 )               Groupe : 202 Mercredi le 31 Janvier : (Jour 2 ) Groupes : 203,202 English , 204 Jeudi le 1er Février:   (Jour 3 ) Groupes : 203 English, 201

Term 2 / Étape 2 IMPORTANT

                                  IMPORTANT INFORMATION WHEN YOU ARE ABSENT: Consult the homework site to see what you have missed, call a friend. Complete the work and bring it to your teacher upon your return to have it marked. Touch base with your teacher via-email to make arrangements for an extension for the homework,to redo a test or a lab.  * It is your responsibility to make sure you follow through, if you do not follow these directives, you will be given a 0. * This information is written in English to make sure all parents are aware that I will be enforcing these rules for term 2. * Students had term 1 to get adjusted to the teacher, the classroom expectations, the homework blog, the online exercise site. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR ME:  MY CLASS, SUPERVISION, TUTORING SCHEDULE ARE POSTED NEAR MY CLASS DOOR.  PLEASE CONSULT IT.       ...

Test chapitre 2 / Test chapter 2

DATES DE TEST/ TESTS DATES groupe 201: 30 Octobre groupes 202,203,204 : 31 Octobre groupes  202 eng, 203 eng: 1er Novembre Les étudiants ont reçu tous les exercices et laboratoires corrigés. The students have received all their assignments and labs corrected. RÉCUPÉRATION: DISPONIBILITÉS Jours 2,6,9 12:00-12:50 Bibliothèque  Jours  3, 12:00-12:45   Local 181 Jour 4,  8:00-8:45 Local 181


(IMMERSION) GROUPES: 202,203,204   Test prévu Mardi le 3 Octobre.  GROUPE: 201. Test prévu Mercredi le 4 Octobre. ( ENGLISH ) GROUPS: 202,203.  Test planned for  Wednesday October 4 th ORGANISATION DE LA MATIÈRE / STRUCTURE OF MATTER p.3-25 cahier d'exercices/ p.3-25 exercise book Exercices en ligne section 1 ( organisation de la matière) On line exercises section 1 ( Structure of matter ) Concepts: Matière, atomes, molécules,éléments,tableau périodique. Matter, atoms,molecules,elements,periodical table.


Please have your test signed.


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