Science and Technology
Secondary Cycle One
Course Outline

E. Desaulniers (         C. Pratt (
M. Edwards (                   L.Ponsford (

Science websites
Information can be accessed on school website:


Eureka (English sector)
                            Explorations (French Immersion sector)
                        Conquêtes :   Cahier d'apprentissage 
                                        Savoirs et activités

Design of the program

The Secondary Science and Technology Cycle One program is offered to students during 4 periods of 75 minutes over a nine-day cycle. The course is a combination of classroom lessons, discussions, small group investigations, hands-on laboratory work, projects, etc.  The first year students will focus on developing their awareness of general scientific concepts, terms, and working methods. The second year students will explore these concepts in greater depth.

Units to be covered

The Technological World                                                         
The Material World

 Engineering                                                                              Properties
 Technological Systems                                                           Changes
 Forces and Motion                                                                   Organization

The Earth and Space  
                                                               The Living World
General characteristics of the Earth                                       Diversity of life forms
Geological and geophysical phenomena                               Survival of species
Astronomical phenomena                                                       Life-sustaining processes


Throughout the two years, the students will be expected to acquire subject-specific competencies as well as cross-curricular competencies. It is important to understand that a competency is acquired throughout the cycle.  The students will be working on acquiring these through different learning tasks and evaluation situations. There are two subject-specific competencies that are evaluated.

Competency 1: - Seeks answers or solutions to scientific or technological problems.

Key Features              
·        Defines a problem
·        Chooses an investigation or design scenario
·        Carries out the procedure
·        Analyzes results

Key Features   
·        Identifies the effects of science and technology
·        Understands how technical objects work
·        Understands natural phenomena

THEORY: (60%)
Competency 2:  - Makes the most of his/her knowledge of science and technology.

Key Features    
·        Identifies the effects of science and technology
·        Understands how technical objects work
·        Understands natural phenomena

Key Features
·        Compares scientific or technological information with others
·        Interprets and produces scientific or technological messages
·        Presents scientific or technological results

Evaluation is an ongoing process.  Throughout the year, students will be evaluated in learning situations on specific competencies.  Evaluation can be based on many things and take many forms (e.g. assignments, presentations, discussions, lab experiment and reports, projects, quizzes, tests, and cooperation). There will be a formal evaluation in June.

Respectful classroom decorum is expected and will be encouraged. Homework will be assigned regularly and must be submitted on time. This program involves a great deal of lab work.  As such, safety is of great importance.  Only students displaying appropriate behavior will be permitted to access the lab.  Equipment replacement and/or repair costs due to carelessness will be charged to the student responsible for the damage.
If you have any questions throughout the year, do not hesitate to communicate with us.  We will be happy to resolve any problems and answer any questions.

Yours truly,

The Symmes Science Department

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