Homework October 14-21 Secondary 2
1. Corrected test is handed back to students. Review and comments.
2. Test should be signed by parents.
3. Word definitions and food chain sheets are due and will be corrected.
4. Insect research project presented. Teams and insect choice will be made.
5. Students must find books, information on the insect they have chosen in order to work on this project in class.
6. Buy poster board to display info and pictures.
7. Students will be showing their findings during an oral presentation.
* Presentation date will be announced shortly.
2. Test should be signed by parents.
3. Word definitions and food chain sheets are due and will be corrected.
4. Insect research project presented. Teams and insect choice will be made.
5. Students must find books, information on the insect they have chosen in order to work on this project in class.
6. Buy poster board to display info and pictures.
7. Students will be showing their findings during an oral presentation.
* Presentation date will be announced shortly.